With clients of all sizes, in a variety of industries, and with locations throughout North America, GET Logistics depends on its extensive carrier network to service the needs of our clients. We realize that we are only as good as the carriers we use. That’s why we have a simple approach to working with our carriers.

“Without great Carriers, a supply chain is just a bunch of dots on a map. Our Carriers not only connect the dots but also connect our commitments to our clients with reality; for that, we thank you.”

—President of GET Logistics

  1. Carriers are partners. Period. Treat them accordingly.
  2. Partnerships are long-term, not just one shipment. Act accordingly.
  3. Carriers have responsibilities like fuel, drivers, and maintenance. Pay them on time.
  4. Keep it simple. One point of contact. Easy online portal. Easy Payment management.

Get started by joining our partner network.

Complete our online carrier registration and begin the process of getting a load with GET Logistics.

Get enrolled in our online Available Load Board and Carrier Web portal.
